open Zen.Cost
open Zen.Data
open Zen.Types
module Arr = Zen.Array
module CR = Zen.ContractResult
module Dict = Zen.Dictionary
module Hash = Zen.Hash
module RT = Zen.ResultT
module TX = Zen.TxSkeleton
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module W = Zen.Wallet
type order = {
underlyingAsset: asset;
underlyingAmount: U64.t; // amount of collateral for the order
pairAsset: asset;
orderTotal: U64.t; // the amount of the pair required to take the entire order
makerPubKey: publicKey; // the public key of the order maker
// A double uint64, needed for multiplying two arbitrary uint64s without overflow
type d64 = { hi:U64.t; lo:U64.t }
// compressed public key
type cpk = byte ** hash
// compress a public key
val compress: publicKey -> cpk `cost` 305
let compress pk = let open FStar.UInt8 in // 13
let parity = (Arr.item 32 pk %^ 2uy) +^ 2uy in
let aux (i:nat{i < 32}): byte `cost` 5 = ret (Arr.item (31-i) pk) in
let! x = Arr.init_pure 32 aux in // 292
ret (parity, x)
// multiply two uint64s without overflow
// algorithm adapted from 'The Art of Computer Programming' by Donald E. Knuth
val dmul64: U64.t -> U64.t -> d64 `cost` 43
let dmul64 x y = let open U64 in // 39
let m32 = 4294967296UL in // 2^32
let xlo = x %^ m32 in // 32 low bits of x
let xhi = x /^ m32 in // 32 high bits of x
let ylo = y %^ m32 in // 32 low bits of y
let yhi = y /^ m32 in // 32 high bits of y
let t0 = xlo *%^ ylo in
let t1 = (xhi *%^ ylo) +%^ (t0 /^ m32) in
let t2 = (xlo *%^ yhi) +%^ (t1 %^ m32) in
let hi = (xhi *%^ yhi) +%^ (t1 /^ m32) +%^ (t2 /^ m32) in
let lo = ((t2 %^ m32) *%^ m32) +%^ (t0 %^ m32) in
ret ({hi=hi; lo=lo})
val mkAsset: contractId -> hash -> asset `cost` 4
let mkAsset (version, contractHash) hash = // 4
ret (version, contractHash, hash)
val hashAsset: asset -> hash `cost` 408
let hashAsset asset = // 4
Hash.updateAsset asset Hash.empty // 384
>>= Hash.finalize // 20
val hashU32: U32.t -> hash `cost` 48
let hashU32 x = // 4
Hash.updateU32 x Hash.empty // 24
>>= Hash.finalize // 20
val hashU64: U64.t -> hash `cost` 72
let hashU64 x = // 4
Hash.updateU64 x Hash.empty // 48
>>= Hash.finalize // 20
val updatePubKey': pk: list byte{length pk == 64} -> Zen.Hash.Sha3.t -> Zen.Hash.Sha3.t `cost` 648
let updatePubKey' pk s = // 4
Zen.List.foldT (Zen.Base.flip Hash.updateByte) s pk // 64 * 10 + 4
<: Zen.Hash.Sha3.t `cost` 644
val updatePubKey: publicKey -> Zen.Hash.Sha3.t -> Zen.Hash.Sha3.t `cost` 783
let updatePubKey pk s = // 5
Zen.Array.toList pk // 130
>>= Zen.Base.flip updatePubKey' s // 648
val hashPubKey: publicKey -> hash `cost` 807
let hashPubKey pk = // 4
updatePubKey pk Hash.empty // 783
>>= Hash.finalize // 20
val hashCPK: cpk -> hash `cost` 225
let hashCPK (parity, x) = // 7
Hash.updateByte parity Hash.empty // 6
>>= Hash.updateHash x // 192
>>= Hash.finalize // 20
val hashOrder: order -> hash `cost` 2783
let hashOrder order = // 36
let! underlyingAssetHash = hashAsset order.underlyingAsset in // 408
let! underlyingAmountHash = hashU64 order.underlyingAmount in // 72
let! pairAssetHash = hashAsset order.pairAsset in // 408
let! orderTotalHash = hashU64 order.orderTotal in // 72
let! makerPubKeyHash = hashPubKey order.makerPubKey in // 807
Hash.updateHash underlyingAssetHash Hash.empty // 192
>>= Hash.updateHash underlyingAmountHash // 192
>>= Hash.updateHash pairAssetHash // 192
>>= Hash.updateHash orderTotalHash // 192
>>= Hash.updateHash makerPubKeyHash // 192
>>= Hash.finalize // 20
val getAsset: option (Dict.t data) -> string -> option asset `cost` 137
let getAsset dict fieldName = // 7
dict >!= Dict.tryFind fieldName // 64
>?= tryString // 2
>?= Zen.Asset.parse // 64
val getU32: option (Dict.t data) -> string -> option U32.t `cost` 80
let getU32 dict fieldName = // 14
let! x = dict >!= Dict.tryFind fieldName // 64
>?= tryU32 in // 2
ret ( if x <> Some 0ul then x else None )
val getU64: option (Dict.t data) -> string -> option U64.t `cost` 80
let getU64 dict fieldName = // 14
let! x = dict >!= Dict.tryFind fieldName // 64
>?= tryU64 in // 2
ret ( if x <> Some 0UL then x else None )
val getHash: option (Dict.t data) -> string -> option hash `cost` 71
let getHash dict fieldName = // 5
dict >!= Dict.tryFind fieldName // 64
>?= tryHash // 2
val getMakerPubKey: option (Dict.t data) -> option publicKey `cost` 71
let getMakerPubKey dict = // 5
dict >!= Dict.tryFind "MakerPubKey" // 64
>?= tryPublicKey // 2
val getReturnAddress: option (Dict.t data) -> option lock `cost` 71
let getReturnAddress dict = // 5
dict >!= Dict.tryFind "returnAddress" // 64
>?= tryLock // 2
val getOrder: option (Dict.t data) -> result order `cost` 570
let getOrder dict = // 65
let! underlyingAsset = getAsset dict "UnderlyingAsset" in // 137
let! underlyingAmount = getU64 dict "UnderlyingAmount" in // 80
let! pairAsset = getAsset dict "PairAsset"in // 137
let! orderTotal = getU64 dict "OrderTotal" in // 80
let! makerPubKey = getMakerPubKey dict in // 71
match underlyingAsset, underlyingAmount, pairAsset, orderTotal, makerPubKey with
| Some underlyingAsset, Some underlyingAmount,
Some pairAsset, Some orderTotal, Some makerPubKey ->
RT.ok ({ underlyingAsset=underlyingAsset;
makerPubKey=makerPubKey; })
| None, _, _, _, _ -> RT.autoFailw "Could not parse UnderlyingAsset"
| _, None, _, _, _ -> RT.autoFailw "Could not parse UnderlyingAmount, or UnderlyingAmount was 0"
| _, _, None, _, _ -> RT.autoFailw "Could not parse PairAsset"
| _, _, _, None, _ -> RT.autoFailw "Could not parse OrderTotal, or OrderTotal was 0"
| _, _, _, _, None -> RT.autoFailw "Could not parse MakerPubKey"
val getOrderAsset: contractId -> order -> asset `cost` 2792
let getOrderAsset contractID order = // 5
let! orderHash = hashOrder order in // 2783
mkAsset contractID orderHash // 4
val lockToPubKey: asset -> U64.t -> publicKey -> txSkeleton -> txSkeleton `cost` 604
let lockToPubKey asset amount pk tx = // 10
let! cpk = compress pk in // 305
let! cpkHash = hashCPK cpk in // 225
TX.lockToPubKey asset amount cpkHash tx // 64
// mints an order asset and locks it to the contract, as well as the underlying
val createOrder: order -> contractId -> txSkeleton -> txSkeleton `cost` 3003
let createOrder order contractID tx = // 19
let! orderAsset = getOrderAsset contractID order in // 2792 1UL orderAsset tx // 64
>>= TX.lockToContract orderAsset 1UL contractID // 64
>>= TX.lockToContract order.underlyingAsset order.underlyingAmount contractID // 64
// destroys an order if it exists in the wallet,
// and adds the underlying to the inputs.
val destroyOrder:
-> contractId
-> w: wallet
-> txSkeleton
-> CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 3267)
let destroyOrder order contractID w tx = // 24
// the rewrites are not necessary, but vastly improve verification time
let! orderAsset = getOrderAsset contractID order in // 2792
// destroy the order
begin TX.destroy 1UL orderAsset tx // 64
>>= TX.fromWallet orderAsset 1UL contractID w // W.size w * 128 + 192
<: option txSkeleton `cost` (W.size w * 128 + 256)
// add the underlying to the inputs
>?= TX.fromWallet order.underlyingAsset order.underlyingAmount contractID w // W.size w * 128 + 192
<: option txSkeleton `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 448)
>>= CR.ofOptionTxSkel "Could not find order in wallet. Ensure that both the order and the correct amount of the underlying are present." // 3
<: CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 451)
end <: CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 3243)
// Making an order
val makeTx: txSkeleton -> contractId -> publicKey -> order -> CR.t `cost` 3097
let makeTx tx contractID senderPubKey order = // 27
let! underlyingReceived = TX.getAvailableTokens order.underlyingAsset tx in // 64
let! tx = // issue a token with the hash of the order as the subidentifier,
// and lock it to the contract, with the underlying
createOrder order contractID tx // 3003
>>= CR.ofTxSkel in // 3
match underlyingReceived = order.underlyingAmount, senderPubKey = order.makerPubKey with
| true, true -> ret tx
| false, _ -> RT.failw "Incorrect amount of UnderlyingAsset Received"
| _, false -> RT.failw "SenderPubKey must match MakerPubKey"
val make: txSkeleton -> contractId -> sender -> option data -> CR.t `cost` 3684
let make tx contractID sender messageBody = // 13
match sender with
| PK senderPubKey ->
let! dict = messageBody >!= tryDict in // 4
getOrder dict // 570
makeTx tx contractID senderPubKey // 3097
| _ -> RT.autoFailw "Must authenticate with PubKey"
// Cancel an order
val cancelTx:
-> contractId
-> w: wallet
-> publicKey
-> order
-> CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 3889)
let cancelTx tx contractID w senderPubKey order = // 18
if senderPubKey = order.makerPubKey
then // lock the underlying to the maker's pk
lockToPubKey order.underlyingAsset order.underlyingAmount order.makerPubKey tx // 604
// destroy the order
>>= destroyOrder order contractID w // W.size w * 256 + 3267
<: CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 3871)
else RT.autoFailw "SenderPubKey must match MakerPubKey"
val cancel:
-> contractId
-> sender
-> option data
-> w: wallet
-> CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 4477)
let cancel tx contractID sender messageBody w = // 14
match sender with
| PK senderPubKey ->
let! dict = messageBody >!= tryDict in // 4
begin let order = getOrder dict in // 570
order `RT.bind` cancelTx tx contractID w senderPubKey // W.size w * 256 + 3889
end <: CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 4459)
| _ ->
RT.autoFailw "Sender must authenticate with public key"
// Taking an order
// check that the requestedPayout is ok
val checkRequestedPayout:
-> requestedPayout: U64.t
-> paymentAmount: U64.t
-> bool `cost` 171
let checkRequestedPayout { underlyingAmount=ua; orderTotal=ot} rp pa = // 85
// we want to check that
// 1) requestedPayout <= underlyingAmount
// 2) paymentAmount <= orderTotal
// 3) requestedPayout = floor (underlyingAmount * (paymentAmount / orderTotal))
// note that 3) is equivalent to
// underlyingAmount * paymentAmount
// < requestedPayout * orderTotal + orderTotal
// <= underlyingAmount * paymentAmount + orderTotal
let open U64 in
// maximum 64 bit unsigned integer
let max64 = 0UL -%^ 1UL in
// compute underlyingAmount * paymentAmount
let! ua_pa = dmul64 ua pa in // 43
// compute requestedPayout * orderTotal
let! rp_ot = dmul64 rp ot in // 43
// compute requestedPayout * orderTotal + orderTotal
let rp_ot_ot = { hi = if rp_ot.lo >^ max64 -%^ ot // will adding low 64 bits overflow
then rp_ot.hi +%^ 1UL // this never overflows
else rp_ot.hi;
lo = rp_ot.lo +%^ ot } in
// compute underlyingAmount * paymentAmount + orderTotal
let ua_pa_ot = { hi = if ua_pa.lo >^ max64 -%^ ot // will adding low 64 bits overflow
then ua_pa.hi +%^ 1UL // this never overflows
else ua_pa.hi;
lo = ua_pa.lo +%^ ot } in
// underlyingAmount * paymentAmount < requestedPayout * orderTotal + orderTotal
let ua_pa_lt_rp_ot_ot = (ua_pa.hi <^ rp_ot_ot.hi)
|| (ua_pa.hi = rp_ot_ot.hi && ua_pa.lo <^ rp_ot_ot.lo) in
// requestedPayout * orderTotal + orderTotal <= underlyingAmount * paymentAmount + orderTotal
let rp_ot_ot_lte_ua_pa_ot = (rp_ot_ot.hi <^ ua_pa_ot.hi)
|| (rp_ot_ot.hi = ua_pa_ot.hi && rp_ot_ot.lo <=^ ua_pa_ot.lo) in
// all 3 inequality relations must hold
ret (rp <=^ ua && pa <=^ ot && ua_pa_lt_rp_ot_ot && rp_ot_ot_lte_ua_pa_ot)
// updates an order in the case of a partial fill
val updateOrder:
-> order
-> U64.t
-> U64.t
-> txSkeleton
-> txSkeleton `cost` 3020
let updateOrder contractID order paymentAmount payoutAmount tx = let open U64 in // 17
if paymentAmount <^ order.orderTotal // partial fill, so need to update the order
then // create the new order
let newOrder = { order with
orderTotal=order.orderTotal-%^paymentAmount } in
createOrder newOrder contractID tx // 3003
else incRet 3003 tx
val takeTx:
-> contractId
-> w: wallet
-> U64.t
-> U64.t
-> order
-> lock
-> CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 6978)
let takeTx tx contractID w paymentAmount payoutAmount order returnAddress = // 23
// lock the payout to the taker
TX.lockToAddress order.underlyingAsset payoutAmount returnAddress tx // 64
// lock the paymentAmount to the maker
>>= lockToPubKey order.pairAsset paymentAmount order.makerPubKey // 604
// create a new order if partial fill, locking the remainder of the underlying to the contract
>>= updateOrder contractID order paymentAmount payoutAmount // 3020
// add inputs from wallet, destroying the order
>>= destroyOrder order contractID w // W.size w * 256 + 3267
val take':
-> contractId
-> w: wallet
-> U64.t
-> U64.t
-> lock
-> order
-> CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 7164)
let take' tx contractID w requestedPayout providedAmount returnAddress order = // 15
let! paymentAmountOK = checkRequestedPayout order requestedPayout providedAmount in // 171
if paymentAmountOK then
takeTx tx contractID w providedAmount requestedPayout order returnAddress // W.size w * 256 + 6978
RT.incFailw (W.size w * 256 + 6978) "Incorrect requestedPayout"
end <: CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 7149)
val take:
-> contractId
-> option data
-> w: wallet
-> CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 8011)
let take tx contractID messageBody w = // 42
let! dict = messageBody >!= tryDict in // 4
let! requestedPayout = getU64 dict "RequestedPayout" in // 80
let! returnAddress = getReturnAddress dict in // 71
let! providedAmount = getU64 dict "ProvidedAmount" in // 80
match requestedPayout, providedAmount, returnAddress with
| Some requestedPayout, Some providedAmount, Some returnAddress ->
let order = getOrder dict in // 570
order `RT.bind` take' tx contractID w requestedPayout providedAmount returnAddress // W.size w * 256 + 7164
<: CR.t `cost` (W.size w * 256 + 7734)
| None, _, _ ->
RT.autoFailw "Could not parse RequestedPayout, or RequestedPayout was 0"
| _, None, _ ->
RT.autoFailw "Could not parse ProvidedAmount, or ProvidedAmount was 0"
| _, _, None ->
RT.autoFailw "Could not parse returnAddress"
// exports
val main:
-> context
-> contractId
-> command: string
-> sender
-> option data
-> w: wallet
-> option data
-> CR.t `cost` ( 9 + begin match command with
| "Make" -> 3684
| "Cancel" -> W.size w * 256 + 4477
| "Take" -> W.size w * 256 + 8011
| _ -> 0 end )
let main tx _ contractID command sender messageBody w _ = // 9
match command with
| "Make" ->
make tx contractID sender messageBody // 3684
<: CR.t `cost` begin match command with
| "Make" -> 3684
| "Cancel" -> W.size w * 256 + 4477
| "Take" -> W.size w * 256 + 8011
| _ -> 0 end
| "Cancel" ->
cancel tx contractID sender messageBody w // W.size w * 256 + 4477
| "Take" ->
take tx contractID messageBody w // W.size w * 256 + 8011
| _ ->
RT.failw "Unrecognised command"
end <: CR.t `cost` begin match command with
| "Make" -> 3684
| "Cancel" -> W.size w * 256 + 4477
| "Take" -> W.size w * 256 + 8011
| _ -> 0 end
val cf:
-> context
-> string
-> sender
-> option data
-> wallet
-> option data
-> nat `cost` 12
let cf _ _ command _ _ w _ = // 12
ret ( 9 + begin match command with
| "Make" -> 3684
| "Cancel" -> W.size w * 256 + 4477
| "Take" -> W.size w * 256 + 8011
| _ -> 0 end )